International Banking Library

At the research frontier

2025 Annual Community Bank Research Conference (co-sponsored by Federal Reserve Bank/CSBS/FDIC)

CfP Deadline: May 16, 2025 Conference Event: October 7-8, 2025 Event Location: St Louis, United States Organizer(s): Federal ReserveConference of State Bank SupervisorsFederal Deposit Insurance Corp. Description: Submission: Please submit a paper or detailed abstract by the end of day on Friday, May 16, 2025, using the following link. There is no paper submission fee.[…]

CEPR Discussion Paper – Violent Conflict and Cross-Border Lending

Author(s):Ralph De Haas, Mikhail Mamonov, Alexander Popov & Iliriana Shala Date:December 7, 2024 Abstract: How do violent conflicts affect cross-border lending? Using data on syndicated loans by over 14,000 creditors to firms in 179 countries between 1989-2020, we find that when violent conflict erupts in a country, foreign banks reduce overall lending relative to domestic[…]

Two Centuries of Systemic Bank Runs

Author(s):Rustam Jamilov, Tobias König, Karsten Müller, and Farzad Saidi Date:November, 2024 Abstract: We study bank runs using a novel historical cross-country dataset that covers 184 countries since 1800 and combines a new narrative chronology with statistical indicators of bank deposit withdrawals. We document the following facts: (i) the unconditional likelihood of a bank run is[…]

Housing Is the Financial Cycle: Evidence from 100 Years of Local Building Permits

Author(s):Gustavo Cortes and Cameron LaPoint Date:November, 2024 Abstract: Does the housing market lead the financial cycle? We address this question by creating a new hand-collected database spanning a century of monthly building permit quantities and valuations for all U.S. states and the 60 largest MSAs. We show that the option to build embedded in permits[…]

BIS Working Paper – How does fiscal policy affect the transmission of monetary policy into cross-border bank lending? Cross-country evidence

Author(s):Swapan-Kumar Pradhan, Előd Takáts and Judit Temesvary Date:November 15, 2024 Abstract: We use a rarely accessed BIS database on bilateral cross-border bank claims by bank nationality to examine the interaction of monetary and fiscal policies. We find significant interactions: the transmission of the monetary policies of major currency issuers is significantly influenced by the fiscal[…]


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Matias Ossandon Busch
Matias Ossandon Busch
Senior Economist at the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies
Lena Tonzer
Lena Tonzer
Professor at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Economist in the Department of Financial Markets